It cannot be denied, smoking has become part of the lifestyle of people throughout Indonesia, especially men. Even though up to now the dangers of smoking have been widely publicized, there are still many smokers who have not been able to give up their habit.

In fact, the dangers of smoking not only pose a risk to active smokers but also passive smokers who are exposed to cigarette smoke directly. For those of you who are currently heavy smokers and find it difficult to give up this habit, you should not worry.

Because you can still try to slowly get rid of cigarette dependence so you can really stop smoking. So, to help you escape from cigarette addiction, below we will explain 7 effective tips for quitting smoking that you can put into practice from now on.


Effective Ways to Quit Smoking that you can do:

Make up your mind to stop smoking

The first tip for quitting smoking is to have a strong determination from within to stop smoking. With this determination, you can convince yourself that you are able to stop smoking even though it feels difficult. Strong determination will make you not easily tempted to smoke again, no matter how hard the temptation is.

Getting used to quitting smoking

So that you can stop smoking, you should start getting used to quitting smoking gradually by reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. Apart from that, you can also try to stop smoking immediately or completely, but sometimes many people still find it difficult to do so. But again, if your determination is strong, then stopping smoking immediately will not be a big problem.

Know the times and situations when you smoke frequently

In this case, you have to recognize when you usually smoke most often. In this way, you can change your habit of frequently smoking and replace it with other positive things such as consuming candy or doing other activities.

Ask for support from family and relatives

Support from the people around you so that you can stop smoking is very important. Because with this support you can be more motivated to stop smoking. Apart from that, the support of the people around you can also be a reminder for you when the temptation to want to smoke reappears.

Resist Cravings by Postponing

If you suddenly have a desire to smoke, you should immediately postpone this desire so that you will slowly forget the desire to smoke. You can do other activities to divert your desire to smoke, such as reading a book, watering plants or other useful things.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising can be one step to quit smoking. By exercising your body will feel healthy and fit and will help you forget about the habit of smoking. You can invite friends or family to exercise together if you think you need friends to do it.

Consult with a Doctor

If you still find it difficult to stop smoking, please consult a doctor. So that you can be helped by therapy to stop smoking slowly and become more aware of the dangers of long-term smoking.

That was an explanation of 7 tips to stop smoking for those of you who are addicted to cigarettes. By practicing these tips from now on, you can learn to stop smoking slowly so that you will avoid the dangers of smoking. The sooner you succeed in quitting cigarettes, the more benefits will be waiting for you.